by Bob DeMay | Jan 21, 2014 | Events, ONPA News, Year-end Still Contest
The call for entries has been made for the ONPA Annual Still Contest and for the first time those entries will be submitted via the web much like the monthly clip contest has for past two years. Details of how to submit your entries are on page two of...
by Bob DeMay | Apr 24, 2013 | ONPA News, Photographers of the Year, Year-end Still Contest
Somebody finally opened the door for Gus Chan, from The Plain Dealer, who was chosen as the ONPA Photographer of the Year in the large market division for 2012. Chan has been persistently knocking on the door, placing second or third in the competition five times in...
by Bob DeMay | Apr 18, 2013 | Events, ONPA News, Year-end Still Contest
Judging for the ONPA annaul still contest in underway at The Columbus Dispatch. Results will be posted and updated through out the process and available on the ONPA website. Results from the online journalism portion of the contest can also be found there.
by Bob DeMay | Mar 9, 2013 | Events, ONPA News, Year-end Still Contest
Contest entries have been submitted and now it is time to focus on the 62nd annual ONPA educational seminar at The Columbus Dispatch on April 20. The event will follow last year’s format and is free to attend for ONPA members in good standing. Anyone wishing to...
by Bob DeMay | Jan 8, 2012 | Contest Rules, ONPA News, Year-end Still Contest
Entries are now being accepted for the annual ONPA still/online photojournalism contest. Rules are available to download here.The deadline for entries of both contests is Wednesday, February 29. Still contest entries will be judged during the annual convention April...
by Bob DeMay | Apr 8, 2011 | ONPA News, Photographers of the Year, Uncategorized, Year-end Still Contest
Lisa DeJong from The Plain Dealer has been chosen ONPA Photographer of the Year for 2010 by the Ohio News Photographers Association. It is the second POY win for DeJong who also won for her work in 2008. Finishing second in competition was Gus Chan from The...