The White House News Photographers Association, home of one of the country’s oldest and most respected news photography contests, is proud to play host this year to the first National Eyes of History political photo contest. For the first time, we’re hosting a contest open to members and non-members alike to celebrate political photojournalism in an exciting new forum.
In an effort to seek out a broad collection of the best political photography and to promote a robust competition, our committee is simply asking you — and staff members of other newspapers in 2012 battleground states — to share news 
of the contest with your co-workers.
Entry guidelines can be found online at: 
Although there are more categories in play than cover just the presidential candidates, there is little doubt that those candidates spent more time and effort in your neck of the woods than in most parts of the country, and we’re looking unabashedly for a critical mass of the best work. We hope you or your colleagues will consider entering.
Ron Sachs, President, WHNPA
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