Candidates for open positions on the ONPA Board of Trustees have stepped forward and virtual voting will  continue until Christmas. Current officers on the ballot include: Board Chair Kim Barth, President Andrew Dolph, Still Vice President Same Greene and Television Vice President Chris Reece. 

Kristen Bauer is on the ballot for the postion of treasurer currently held by Barbard Perenic who decided not to run for a secend term. Lisa Scalfaro is on the ballot to fill the open position of secretary, which has been open since Gaelen Morse resigned earlier this year

Terms for the new board will begin on April 1st or the annual business meeting at the convention, whichever comes first. The current board plans are to once again host the convention in Columbus. Details on that and the still and television year-end contests will be coming soon.

A reminder to students (and faculty): Rules for the Larry Fullerton Photojournalism Scholarship were rcently revised to reflect changing trends in the industry. Please consider applying.

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