Get a couple of media types in a conversation these days and the subject is more than likely going to be about industry downsizing rather than what story they are pursuing. Hard to blame em – first you need to have a job before you can worry about what you’re going to produce.

David Carr with the New York Times compares the newspaper industry with Circuit City who has recently filed for bankruptcy. There are many who think the demise of the electronic retailer was tied to its decision to rid itself of its “high priced” sales force and hire cheap and inexperienced replacements.

Newspapers are shedding talent and want to embrace their future on the Web. Problem is there is no one left to produce the content to feed the beast. The same journalists who have been turned loose by their publishers are now the competition. A second Times story by Richard Perez-Pena looks at and other non-profit journalistic entities.

Not only do publishers loose talent and content with their downsizing – now there is one more place for their advertisers to divert their spending to.

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