With the LeBron James’ free agent circus behind us the story about how the story was presented in Cleveland has now been shared by assistant managing editor David Kordalski in an interview by Charles Apple on Poynter Online.

The day after “the decision” front page presentation by The Plain Dealer has gotten rave reviews from the journalism community. It was a bitter pill to swallow for Cavaliers fans so I’m not sure if this front page will be one the local readers hold on to even though it conveyed the emptiness that most fans felt following the announcement that the “King” was taking his high flying act to South Beach.
Apple shared his views on how other Ohio newspapers played the story on his VisualEditors.com blog. Sister papers Medina and Elyria were well received by Apple, not so for Columbus and Akron. There are also pages from south Florida and the other cities in the LeBron sweepstakes.
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