Clip contest dam has burst

A backlog of clip contest results are now being processed with winners notifications having now being sent via e-mail. There are five months of results coming with each months winners listed in separate e-mails. Please take the time to check each months e-mail and...

Dispatch dominating monthly clip contest

The ONPA Monthly Clip Contest results logjam has broken as we now have results for April and May. Positions at the top of the standings have scrambled since March, but no one new has cracked the top ten. The contest is clearly being dominated by photographers at The...

ONPA March clip contest results

Fred Squillante from The Columbus Dispatch was the big winner in the March ONPA monthly clip contest. Squillante won first and second in the feature category and placed first in general news to pick up 142 points. Bill Lackey of the Springfield News-Sun also had three...

ONPA February clip contest results

Photographers from The Columbus Dispatch hold down six of the top ten spots in the point standings after the first two months in the ONPA monthly clip contest. Dispatch photographers, Chris Russell, Kyle Robertson and Neal Lauron all had three wins in February each...