Newspaper economics and rumors

If you thought huge executive bonuses where just a financial sector issue, guess again. AIG and other financial institutions are making headlines while paying out lavish sums while receiving bailout money. Equally as puzzling is how media executives are being rewarded...

Life photo archive now online

The Life magazine photo archive is now online offering a chance to see what would arguably be the “greatest hits” of the photography world in the last century. One could spend hours looking through the galleries. The site was developed in collaboration...

Mystery Man

Today we take a break from the constant barrage of headlines about job losses and share a photo submitted by Tony Dejak of the Associated Press. Dejak came across the mysterious Michael Keating from the Cincinnati Enquirer at the Cincinnati Reds’ spring training...

Medina & Elyria papers consolidate operations

We’ve been hearing bits of news lately that the operations at The (Medina County) Gazette and The (Elyria) Chronicle Telegram were being merged in some fashion. Now a report from the Ohio Media Watch blog spells out the details of the arrangement. It appears the...