July – this is a short one
#NEWS – It’s all local
What happened in the industry this month?
1/ The Board still seeks to fill the position of secretary. Please reach out to me if interested:
- onpaprez@gmail.com
- 330 289 6072
2/ The Buckeye Visualist has a new episode that is definitely worth your time: From the playing field to politics in Arizona with Arianna Grainey. Thanks to Lori King as always for everything she does!

1/ LAT: He was making a documentary about police brutality. Then the LAPD tased him in his home
“I live here. I called 911,” Smith repeatedly told police, who were commanding him to get on the ground, according to the lawsuit … they were targeting the homeowner, not the burglar, who was still lying on the ground.

2/ AP: Covering the heat wave in sizzling Phoenix, an AP photographer recounts a scare from heat exhaustion
PHOENIX (AP) — Heat never scared me before.
I’ve spent 23 years covering Phoenix as a photographer for The Associated Press, shooting golf tournaments, baseball games and other outdoor sporting events, the city’s growing homeless population, immigration and crime.
And, of course, heat.

3/ NPPA: If you don’t already, signup for the NPPA’s weekly email newsletter. They have more people and resources to keep up.
1/ Star Tribune: Portrait of A Death – Staff writer Rachel Hutton penned a touching tribute of Bill Alkofer, who recently died after a 5 year battle against ALS – a disease for which there is currently no cure.

“Alkofer was raised in rural North Dakota, near Grand Forks, where his first after-school job was with the Walsh County Press. Tasks included rewriting the wedding announcements and conducting person-on-the-street interviews that no one else wanted to do.”
Alex Korman documented Bill’s final months, weeks and days, as well as his transition.
You can also view Alkofer’s amazing ‘Awake Wake’, written by Greg Mellen, and photographed by many. The link is here, published in News Photographer in April 2022 on the NPPA’s website.
2/ IndyStar/USAT: Staff photojournalist Jenna Watson has been covering the FIFA Women’s World Cup for USA Today, Gannett’s mothership, of which the IndyStar is a network member paper. Jenna is also the current president of the Indy NewsGuild. You can listen to a recent Buckeye Visualist interview with her, here. Check out her Instagram feed as well.
3/ Cle.com: 44 years with one news organization! Retiring photojournalist David Andersen reflects on 44 years of recording history for PD, cleveland.com (photo gallery)
“CLEVELAND, Ohio — When Dave Andersen arrived at The Plain Dealer as a shaggy-haired summer intern in 1979, he was given a Nikon camera without a motor drive, two lenses, and no camera bag. He slipped the second lens in his pocket and tagged along with a veteran photographer.”
The position will not be filled, leaving the photo department at a staffing level of 3.
Bob DeMay also posted about David’s announcement via ONPA, here.
Helpful things and eye-catchers
- NPR Goats & Soda: Drone Photo Award winners capture the extraordinary beauty of the ordinary
- The Drone Girl (Blog): DRONE GPS JAMMING: HERE’S HOW IT WORKS (AND WHY EVEN CASUAL DRONE USERS SHOULD BE PREPARED)No, this is really legitimate; and, Sally’s blog (composed out of England, is relevant and informative for all drone operators world-wide.
- Also from The Drone Girl: IS YOUR DRONE FLIGHT REMOTE ID COMPLIANT? HERE ARE THE 4 TYPES OF LEGAL DRONE FLIGHTSWhile it was announced a few years ago, come September 16, 2023 at exactly 12:01 a.m., all drone pilots required to register their UAS must operate their aircraft in accordance with the final rule on remote ID.
2/ CameraBits: The maker of PhotoMechanic says in a tweet, “Starting today, we’re bringing back bi-weekly Workflow Wednesday posts with tips to help make your culling even faster! Today’s tip is just to make sure everyone knows about the Knowledge Base on our website! It’s a great place to look for answers when you have a question!”
3/ PetaPixel: Simon King – If Social Media Didn’t Exist, How Would You Share Your Photography?
“When was the last time you bought a print or a book from a photographer you’d never heard of just because you saw their sponsored post on social media? If you haven’t, then why would you expect someone else to purchase your product when you promote it in a way that you haven’t personally responded to?”
4/ Rita Harper is a freelance photojournalist and writer, working out of Atlanta and NOLA. In a tweet, she says, “I recently published a newsletter about a historic barbershop in New Orleans. Mr. Dennis’ shop owned by Dennis Sigur. I interviewed the four barbers who work here and uphold the legacy. Two of them got their very first haircut at the shop.”
5/ The New Yorker: A Photographer’s Parents Wave Farewell
“At the end of their daughter’s visits, like countless other mothers and fathers in the suburbs, Dikeman’s parents would stand outside the house to send her off while she got in her car and drove away. One day in 1991, she thought to photograph them in this pose, moved by a mounting awareness that the peaceful years would not last forever.”

6: Brian Powers, currently a photographer at Terry College and formerly of the Des Moines Register, has been documenting #ragbrai2023 and making some terrific photographs. That work is available widely across standard social media channels. You can find some of it over on Instagram, or switch to Facebook for some greater depth. Brian was a judge for last year’s ONPA multimedia contest.

7/ Visual inspirations:
- one:
- two:
- three:
8/ -30-